the coolest dogs in town!
Welcome to the official Slushie Puppie carrd! Here is all the information you need to know about the species!Slushie Puppies (“Slush Pups”) are a semi-closed species about canid animals that are partially made out of snow slush to protect their bodies and help them thrive in their cold environmental homes!You can make a completely common traited Slushie Puppie for free! If you want to add uc/rare/mythical traits, you need to buy them with our species currency, “icecubes!” We want people to have the ability to make a free Slushie Puppie if they please. The only requirements is you must be apart of the Discord server and you must have your Pup approved on the masterlist!As stated above, Slushie Puppies is a Discord-oriented species. You must be apart of the Discord to make a Slushie Puppie.We are so excited to meet you!